Saturday, July 02, 2005

the one about cooking

Was supposed to catch 'War of the Worlds' with Herman this evening. Too bad we forgot it was a Saturday(every place sold out)and therefore, we ended up hanging around in town, window shopping and talking about stuff.

Herman's into cooking, and he claims he can mix drinks as well. He's intending to learn french recipes in the near future and that's quite cool. We both agree that girls might actually find guys who cook romantic and sweet, especially french food.

'Language of Love, my friend', as the slightly taller than me, half-thai dude who's into electric guitars says to me.

He leads me to a magnificient shelf of cookbooks in the middle of Borders Bookstore and gives me ideas on what dishes I can actually whip out to chase girls. I felt so insulted and punched his teeth out.

'I am a natural chick magnet.', I say. 'I don't need to bake muffins to impress girls!' and proceed to pee on him.

Ok, the last part was fake. I'm no where near being a chick magnet. But he is different. He cooks for his girlfriend and juggles little silver bottles around, mixing exotic cocktails for her (not sure about this). I guess that probably explains his name.

Back at the Border's bookshelf, I was momentarily lost and amazed by the huge variety of cookbooks lying before me. I made a discovery of a lifetime. It suddenly dawned on me that food did not just consist of the microwave quick meals from 7-11 and that can of ice lemon tea! I was overwhelmed by waves and waves of andrenaline as I discovered the existence of various cooking methods like baking and grilling..

Ok, back to being serious, it suddenly dawned on me that cooking could be my new hobby. Cooking looks and seems therapeutic right? Is it? All the pictures in the cookbook look so fabulous...Seemingly feeling exasperated by all the lengthy recipes I flipped through, I blurted out one of the silliest thing one could say at that time, "Any food recipes that doesn't require cooking?" or something equally retarded that made the woman beside me turn around and say, "There's one over there. Kid's cookbook." (actually it wasn't really that stupid right? salad don't need to cook right)

There you have it. Being dissed by a total stranger for the first time in my entire life. I guess she was just speaking up for all the dutiful cooking ladies out there who hate lazy, chavunistic men who can't cook and ask stupid questions. I felt small and weak for that instant and Herman had to help me up from the floor.

But what if I really devoted my life to cooking and inventing new recipes? Life would be great, wouldn't it? Imagine being able to whip out

Just think of all the good stuff that will be pouring in. I can host my own 'Morning/Afternoon/Night/Supper with Hao' cook show and hire a busty assistant chef who will stand there prettily and Jamie Oliver to clean up the mess after the show. I will have loads and loads of female fans ranging from ages 8 to 55 chasing me around Singapore in Taxis or if I make it big, in aeroplanes as I travel the world. Because of the unwanted attention and jealousy of the rest of the male population, I will have my own bevy of female body guards who follow me everywhere I go, even to the loo.

When taking a break from making millions of dollars, I can even secretly whip out a pleasant little dish of snails and pasta for the girl I adore, who may, to my disappointment, not eat it and sell it on eBay. My parents will be so proud of me.


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