the one about stupid endings, pool and being overly tyco
Met up with Candice today to watch 'War of the Worlds'. Finally, someone who hasn't watched the show yet. I think everyone I knew rushed to watch the film after the block tests. Not her, she still had her computing exam on Friday.War of the worlds is suspenseful but was not too scary or gory either. I like that. To me, absolutely shocking or gory movies isn't my cup of tea. Because I freak out, and I'm not afraid to admit it. As the review in the papers said today, the little girl was indeed very irritating, especially in the first few scenes where she did nothing but scream. If you really want me to get off your back, just scream in loud, short bursts like a faulty motocycle engine with an attitude and I may actually consider leaving you alone. Remember those trailer and commercial spam for 'Lost', the thrilling show on Channel 5? I almost considered not watching it because some damsel decided to scream non-stop in one of the commercials.

How old is Tom Cruise anyway? 40? 41? Whatever his age, I've never seen anyone so lucky before in my entire life, having 'tycoedly' avoided dozens and dozens of light beams, aliens and explosions and seemingly being able to get out of every single mucky situation he sticks his nose in. I heard he's pretty lucky in the love department too..but that's another story, I don't wish to mention Katie Holmes here.
It's really gripping because throughout the movie, I was asking myself how this story is going to end, because seemingly, I thought it was rather difficult. Would the aliens really get to take over and the story will end with Tom Cruise turning into a slave or something? The aliens look so invincible and sound so loud that I thought Spielberg would get bored at a some point, and ask one of the squids to blast Cruise and his girl into oblivion..and then the credits would start rolling.

Instead I was treated to a minute of bio lesson regarding the history of bacteria. They really don't take into account non-bio students huh? Anyway, I don't see how any story could end in that manner. Did a terrorist take over the set and hold Spielberg at gun point or something?
Even highly intelligent beings like me and Candice didn't get it. At one scene near the ending, Cruise pointed out to the army guy that there were birds flocking on top of the giant squid. And the next moment, they realised that the shields were down and everyone started firing at it. What were the birds doing up there? Were they there to show that it was actually safe to fly around since the shields were down? If yes, how did the shields deactivate themselves? Or maybe they just shat on it and the bacteria contaminated the robot and caused it to lose its marbles. Spielberg didn't explain enough.
I think the movie was really meant for the squids and the 4 guest aliens who appeared. If not why human beings cannot understand, because we are not as intelligent as those creatures right, Spielberg? Okay, anyway both of us agreed the ending was crappy.
On a side note though, Spielberg did a fine job in threading the balance between alien action, loud, strange noises and interpersonal relations. Throughout the show, the scary massacre of humans by the aliens are constantly cast in comparison with the horrific potrayal of human nature at its worse. Just look at the scene where Cruise gets his vehicle stopped and attacked by mobs and mobs of desperate survivors..I actually thought it was rather freaky. If you were in the show, what will you rather be doing? Being hunted down by aliens? Or being involved in a bloody survival battle with your own kind? On the whole, the movie was still considered a good one to catch.
Later we walked over to her mum's office at Somerset to play pool at the basement recreational club. We played about 4 games and I think I lost it? Maybe not, maybe I won 2 officially, if I remember correctly, but that's because she was unlucky and hit in the black ball at the wrong time and into the wrong hole respectively. She would have won otherwise.
In other words, I think I was thrashed.
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