the one about fighting zombies
My friend told me before that whatever you dream is actually closely linked to your real life. For example, if you dream about panicking during an exam, you are probably really afraid of taking it. Or if you dream about being chased, you are probably trying to run away from some truth you are hiding. Or whatever.The dream I had a few weeks ago made me wonder if I really hated mutated people. You know, those zombies you've been seeing in horror flicks like 'Dawn of the Dead' or something..Yeah, here's a short account of what happened (in drawings so lousy it makes me cringe):

In case you didn't understand what I was scribbling about. Here's a brief explanation: I end up in this supermarket with plenty of goods stocked up. Ugly zombies are everywhere. They attack with nothing else but their hands and bad breath. Armed with a rifle, I take them down one by one. After shooting for a while, I get really pissed and decide to disguise as a hungry zombie. The lousy acting works and I manage to escape admist the confusion.
You know, you actually learn a lot from your dreams. From this dream I learnt 2 very important things:
1)Zombies are pretty stupid.
2)I can't wait to join the army.
I think I dream up pretty wild and exciting stuff ay? Maybe someday a movie producer from Hollywood would hire me to sleep all day just so I can dream up movie ideas for him so he can churn out more zombie flicks, matrix rip-offs, comic book adaptations and romantic comedies. I'll probably end up wasted on sleeping pills.
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