the one about BYJ vs HP
I'm glad Channel 5 finally showed Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets on Sunday and Monday. I've really been looking forward to it. Now they can finally stop those irritating commercials and trailers on that show. Phew. So what if it's the blockbuster of the year? Advertising so much for a show is over the top, people do get sick of those ads you know?Imagine seeing Harry Potter's face a few times every hour and the same old 'the making of harry potter' everytime you flick on the television. Well, at least the show salavged it.
On the topic of advertisements, have you ever wondered why there are so many 'wang wang' adverts on Kids Central. It's like 2 every commercial break! Now, that's over doing it. Well, of course I know Kids Central is a perfect place to entice nubile young kids with the toys and such, and it's definitely the worst channel that ever happened to the parents..but hey, I really cannot imagine a kid pestering his dad to buy 'wang wang' for him.
Worse thing is, the adverts are so cheesy and loud, I switch channel everytime they come on, which is no good, cause it's like 2 ads per break. Maybe it's because I'm 18 years old and still watching Spongebob and X-men on Kids Central, that's why I seem so irritated by them. Effective advertising? Tell me about it.
Anyway, back to Potter and gang, while I was watching them on television, I was constantly reminded of someone that was equally if not more famous on the other part of the globe.

Is it just me, or do they really resemble each other? The only reason why BYJ is not starring in Harry Potter is because he's probably too tall. Language would be a problem too. One makes aunties and girls swoon, while the other drive young female kids crazy.
Profile 1-
Name: Bae Yong Jun aka my mum's idol
Age: 33+
Sex: Don't know
Sexuality: Probably normal (I don't know really, but my mum's a fan, so..)
Reel personality: Sensitive, caring heterosexual who prefers glasses over contact lenses. Ability to extend length of sentences and period of time between them to appear more romantic.
Killer traits: Glasses, curly pretty boy hair, a smile showcasing a nice, full set of teeth, tall.
Profile 2-
Name: Daniel Radcliffe aka Harry Potter
Age: 16+
Sex: Probably still a virgin
Sexuality: Probably down the line
Real personality: Young and aspiring wizard. Eh...nice and friendly.
Killer traits: Glasses, curly pretty boy hair, british accent.
After realising what I just typed here, I think I probably leave shoulder length hair then go perm it, then I'll go get round-framed glasses.
Don't know leh, I think I'll end up looking like a fool. Unless I speak like a gentleman or enrol at Hogwash, I think I'll just remain the same. Damn.
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