the one about gay stuff that I bought
I am devastated. Spongebob cartoons seem to get more and more boring by the day. When you seemingly get more kicks in watching Bob the Builder, you know your favourite cartoon is in trouble. I'm probably hitting puberty, that's why I find Spongebob less funny than before.Anyways, in order to entertain myself during this 'shit!-time-passes-freaking-fast-and-am-enlisting-in-exactly-a-month' break, I brought back 2 friends from Taipei.

Presenting to you my pet monkey and Doraemon! Man, I wonder why I ever bought them, probably because I was on a mindless shopping spree over in Taipei, where these 2 jokers are just the less retarded things which I bought. The others are too shameful to mention. No, I didn't buy dildos.
Oh yah, I think the Doraemon is rather unique. If you press that protruding pocket on his belly, his eyes will spin and change into something else. Let me show you:

See? You know what? I got 3 of them cos' they were selling 3 for SG$5.00. And now I feel gay because I seem excited blogging about Doraemon. Damn I better stop and tell you more about the other stuff that me and my family bought. We got several packets of Mua Chee, several packets of strange-looking eggs, several other packets of weird food which I haven't really figured out what they are, several key chains for my friends and cousins and...and..for myself, I got a pair of tough leather shoes and an imitation but artistic Beatles shirt which reads 'The Peatles'. Anyway, I think Doraemon cartoons are cute and funny with porn here and there.
In consideration of the small kids that may be viewing the above cartoon, the author has limited his use of vulgar language so that he will not be fucking responsible for any parent fucking blaming him for fucking teaching the wrong fucking stuff to kids.
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