Saturday, April 22, 2006

the one about sandbags and rations

Who would have thought filling sandbags could be so tough? Other than causing your delicate hands to become irritatingly dry and forcing your well-manicured fingernails to eat sand, it just makes you shag. Sand doesn't exactly taste that good either. Sandbags aren't really heavy, they are fucking heavy.

Suck thumb lor. Trainees don't fill, ask sergeant help you fill ha. Afterall, only 470 sandbags. And then we'll go Tekong to fill the rest. Cos basically we ran out of sand. :(

Preparation for our field camp is tough, probably going to be tougher than the field camp itself. And I'm expected not to sleep over the 3 days. Wonderful. What a brillant opportunity to slim down.

Military law lessons are pretty dry. Section blah blah...penal code blah..Well, thank goodness I didn't apply for Law in university. Not that I can get in anyway.

On a brighter note, I received new recipes for my combat rations. Finally, after doses and doses of curry chicken noodle and supposedly different recipes of rice with chicken(different names, different colour, but seem to use the same ingredients), I finally get to try something new like Oregano Chicken Frank Pasta.


That's probably the only reason why I'll look forward to field camp.

By the way, I'm still wondering how come I always end up eating some combination of rice and chicken back in BMT.


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