Tuesday, May 23, 2006

the one about camo prints

Noticed the latest trend in the streets nowadays?

If you've been observant enough. Camo prints. Yes.

Just a few days ago, I went to Parkway for dinner with my parents and I just happily counted the number of people wearing camo printed bottoms. I also don't know why I started. I just did.

I counted 10. Probably more. Or probably less if I counted twice.

I so want to punch them. Haha. But it's fashion right? And in fashion, anything seems to go. But they give me the feeling that they are blinding following each other.

I don't think camo prints are cool. I wouldn't want to be seen in camo print berms at Orchard on a weekend when I've been donning camo prints from head to toe from Monday to Friday. The last thing I want to do is to remind myself of my 1 year 10 months predicament.

Also, some camo berms I spotted look suspiciously like the shorter version of the SAF No.4 pants and it looks like it's been cut from the original. It's a no-no to do that. So much for looking 'cool'.

I've spotted aunties and teenage girls in camo print but I figure they probably don't understand army anguish. And proceed to celebrate it by wearing camo print around town.

Young guys who haven't been to army but start wearing camo prints should get a medal for 'Outstanding Patriotism' and should enlist early because simply, army needs people like them. But I think they'll probably throw away their camo berms and curse silently after they really enlist.

Oh ok. Guess I gotta go now. I still have a bus to catch tomorrow. Ciao.


At Tuesday, May 23, 2006 11:06:00 PM, Blogger Tigre said...

I think that only military shoudl wear camo, otherwise you're just a poser.

At Wednesday, May 24, 2006 1:40:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol relax man... gd lucks for wherever you're going!



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