Wednesday, July 26, 2006

the one about mushy emo stuff

Hello blog. I felt like talking to you tonight.

I was just wondering today if I had done enough to be able to justify the non-chalance I've been receiving. All the weird thoughts and bloody imagination that drive me wild, worry after doubt.

Maybe everything was just a big story cooked up by thinking too much. I came up with the entire show, starred in it, directed it as I went along, tried to make it better, and later see the supposed story crumble before me as my paranoid mind once again, drives me into a series of lows.

You could say it was a sappy, unromantic love story. But even then, the female lead doesn't even have the slightest clue she's in the script.

And once again, the whole question I've been trying to answer presently is whether I had done enough. Enough to get the point across. Did I?

It'll be pretty crucial to answer that question eh. If not how will I be able to tell what she's feeling.

This really sucks. It's so much easier not to think about it at all. Well. Suppressing is easy. Really. Much easier than I thought.

I. Probably am just a insignificant figment of her life, which is by itself, already brimming with so much hope, potential, happiness and fufillment.

Blemish. Where do I stand?

Incoherent post. Some parts I'm not even sure. It's sad. I really didn't like typing this post at the start of such a day.

A day like today. :)


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