Monday, July 31, 2006

the one about a simple update

hihi. just a slight update of my life.

Things are pretty normal. Just that prowling does get quite mentally and physically shagging at night. I can be wide awake at home watching DVDs at 1am. But when it's time to prowl at 1am, my body will start coming up with stupid excuses and all kinds of potential excuses to skip prowling.

Bah. But it gets done anyway. So the camp is safe. :D

Anyways, talked to my good jc friend recently and realised she and I used to be in neighbouring primary schools, like next door to each other. Apparently, we took the same school bus home everyday, probably like for most of my lower primary life.

How cool. She's the best friend of the plump girl I quarrelled with once in the bus. The plump girl is from my kindergarten. Both went to VJC. :P

It's like, I was flipping through year book one fine day. And I saw this girl which looked vaguely similar to the childhood plump girl. And her name seemed to be the same as what I somehow remembered of the plump girl. the end, she turned out to be the plump girl.

Well well. I shan't refer to her as the plump girl already. Cos' I think she's quite pretty now. I watched 'Nacho Libre' over the weekend. Kinda like Jack Black. What a comedian. He doesn't really need to say anything to be funny. I like the retro feel of the whole show. Resembles Italy or Mexico or some country..but should be Mexico cos' the story line is Mexican style wrestling.

I like the song that played several times throughout the show too. Kinda cute.

As a wrestling fan, I could probably relate more to the show. But it's maybe because of this that I found the wrestling scenes rather simple and not looked into. It's a comedy yes. But more action and better moves could be used. It's Mexican wrestling!

If you are looking for something light hearted and crappy, go watch it. But don't watch it on a weekend. It's certainly not worth your $9.50. :(


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