Friday, September 02, 2005

the one about the possible endings for 'Lost'

Was visiting my own page to check out my latest publication when I saw that the counter had hit 100. I initially thought of lending my password to the 100th visitor so he or she can have the once in a lifetime opportunity to write one entry in my blog. But since I was the one who hit 100 on my own page, I have decided to celebrate my own achievement by writing a 'I-have-reached-a-hundred-visitors-and-I-am-so-damn-happy' special entry for all you fans out there. For all I know, I didn't hit 'Refresh' 99 times.

Since today is Thursday, and on Thursday, it's offically 'Lost' Day, I shall blog about this TV series. I hope you know what is 'Lost'. It's the TV series about this group of plane crash survivors who get stranded on an island and then, it's 'beasts on island vs humans' or 'humans vs humans' storyline. If you still don't quite get what I'm talking about, it's also the TV series whose commercials and trailers were spammed by Channel 5 so much it irritated me to tears.

Now, 'Lost' is a pretty strange show. At least it's strange for me. For one, the whole show is rather confusing. Sometimes, I really cannot figure out what the plot is about, but I still watch it every week, which makes it even stranger, since I rather spend my hours watching a certain friend eat very slowly than waste time on a load of crap I don't understand. Anyway, the most bizarre thing I encountered while watching this show was that time seemed to pass very quickly whenever I did.

I tried watching O.C(which is directly after Lost)once, and time seemed to slow down drastically. In my opinion, it's probably taking a rest after running through 'Lost'. Is it just me, or is O.C really boring? Tell me, I'm dying to know. I fell asleep during the 'California, here we come!' part and woke up 3/4 through the show, only to realise that I have dreamt about shooting aliens, singing, playing basketball, defecting to the dark side, Ryan from O.C guest starring in 'Lost', and forgetting to watch 'Lost' that Thursday. I watched the next 3.5 minutes of the show because that chio bu was in it and then I switched it off.

Ok, anyway, back to 'Lost'. Since I have been trying to figure out the ending for a long time now, I kind of came up with lots of possible ideas for it in the process.

1)Since it's not dinosaurs, it's probably an overgrown bear that is attacking the poor souls. Well, 'bear' is the first thing that comes to mind whenever that thing attacks someone. Ending would involve everyone trying to kill the bear, and then killing those people who arrived before them. They will have enough meat to last them for the rest of their lives on the island.

2)Everything is just an illusion. There is no wild animals or people. Everyone is still suffering from post-crash shock and they start hallucinating and such. No one notices anyone acting strangely since everyone is as blur as everyone else. This is what I call, subconscious survival. They eat, live and breathe subconsciously. Suddenly the effect wears off and a helicopter comes in to rescue them.

3)Charlie is probably dreaming up everything. The entire series is just his dream. His dream is that long because he took too much drugs. Imagine, last episode, he wakes up, and the plot is still hanging mid-air. And then the credits roll. And then we have a broken television screen, with a remote control lying beside it.

4)Producers probably made the show to diss 'Survivor'. Picture in the last episode, every plane crash survivor returns to vote for the winner, who walks away with a million dollars. The rest set up their home on the island.'s getting late and I can't be bothered to think anymore. Hope that will suffice. Anyway, if you know the ending, please don't tell me. And yes, Mr Don't-put-my-name-on-this-blog-cos-it-sounds-conspicuous has agreed to copy the entire series for me on DVD. Yeah.


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