Thursday, August 10, 2006

the one about biking into camp

Finally got my bicycle to camp. Now don't need to rely on Mr Tony to send me into camp.

Dad and I spent half and hour on National Day night trying to shuff the bicycle into the passenger seat. Managed to do so after removing the front tyre and placing the frame vertically upright, wasting much cloth in the process trying to cushion the leather seats from the metal.

So we set up the bicycle outside camp this morning. It's great. Bike and all. It's really refreshing to cycle in the morning, with the breeze in your face. Helps you think better. :)

This morning was chilly. Like air-con. It's a aspiring little morning, mostly because my parents send me to camp. More of these would be pretty.

Anyway, today something happened that made me question my ability to control my emotions. I couldn't believe I actually behaved that way until after a while. gosh.

Oh. Singapore Idol. Rahima got voted off. Amazing. See what rumours and jealously can do to one's prospects. And how raw emotion can't hide denial. Go ahead and cry, Joakim.

Moron Paul survived yet again. My mom is now using him as an example of how one should speak clearly and properly. Wow, I think I shall make an effort to do so now. I never expected it to be so irritating.

Can't sing. Can't speak. Ugly.

I can't believe those blind, deaf and tasteless Singaporean teenage girls are actually pouring in money to vote for him. Dude, he seems popular because his only fan base is the people who scream the most and the loudest.

Oh my god.


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