Friday, January 19, 2007

the one about starting the diploma

Wow. I haven't blogged in 2 weeks already. Pretty busy with other stuff I should say. Or rather distracted. Maybe I'm just lazy.

Diploma course had already started. And I've attended about 4 lessons in total so far. Suddenly, I feel like I'm back in school again. The MDIS campus at Stirling Road is like some college, students moving up and down the corridors, the canteen, the blocks named after great personalities I don't really know. I figure they were most probably the ones who came up with those crazy mathematical and physics formulas.

Lessons are 3 hours long, which ain't very long if you are paying attention. I do, most of the time. But sometimes I do lose focus. But then again, there's like this break in between so it's kinda okay afterall.

The 2 modules am taking now are I.T and marketing and I'm wondering if making little mind maps after every lesson is going to help. The last time I did this was my A Level economics mugging. Got a B for that, so maybe mind maps don't really help much afterall. Heh.

Lessons are moderately interesting. Still reasonably entertaining but then again, they are lecturers not clowns. :D

Aiming to do well for this course, cause I think I didnt' do too well back in college. Really could have put in more effort.'s like that. Always full of regrets.

Kinda running outta things to blog about. So until next time, bye!


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