Saturday, January 06, 2007

the one about turn offs

Today is the 6 Jan. I remember approximately 1 year ago, I was blogging about entering the army. What a year it has been ain't it?

I'm not going to say how time flew. Cos it didn't. Hm. Under a year until I leave that forsaken place.

Yesterday was the unit anniversary. We headed down to SAFRA Yishun for some activites. In general, it was quite boring. But I believe most of these sorta SAF activites are. Not much of a concrete plan.

Wandered around looking at people bowl, play arcade games and I participated in water sports with 9 other people from my company. Their idea of water sports: Wear a number 4 shirt, turn 10 rounds in the water and head across the breadth of the pool and pass the shirt on to the next person, where he can continue turning 10 rounds and know..

10 people, 5 on each side, 1 over-sized shirt, great fun. I was glad they took out the spoon/ping pong ball concept and the balloon blowing bullshit. Actually the spoon broke in the 1st round, that's why.

Other vaguely interesting water sports included captain's ball and monkey. Heh heh.

On an exciting note, me and a few others sneaked in (accidentally?) on a SAFRA club tour for some poly students. This got us into a spa, where we had to keep real quiet. After that, we got bored and went out. Not a bad cheap thrill though.

I ate 5 fish balls, 5 mini bean paste buns and 2 cupcakes.

Unit anniversary dinner was held at a ulu restaurant at the top of a multi storey carpark in Chinatown. Food was average so I didn't understand the choice of location. Special guests included Eileen Wee, Maia Lee, some reality show reject and 2 getai singers. Dinner ended at 11pm.

On the way back home near my block, there was this girl in front of me who suddenly stopped in her tracks to pat a black stray cat. As if I wasn't grossed out enough, she adjusted her hair using the same hand 30 seconds later. And that was pretty much the highlight of the evening.

Mum's blasting Cai Chun Jia music on the stereo as I'm blogging, and that irritates me cos' I don't like that boring shu nu. What's worse is that she's looping 1 song, the sunrise song, the song they used to advertise rice. Yah. That one. That leaves me no choice but to blast Aerosmith, Evanescence, Justin Timberlake and X Japan on my computer, seemingly to no avail.

Ok bye!


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