the one about old school
Today I'm going to show everyone a meaningful picture.
This is old school, literally. Fans of old school, I think you will like this. In fact, this is my mum's old school.
This was taken when she was in primary 2, that's like 1964. Hm, that's like 41 years ago, holy crap..
Anyway, my mum used to study in Havelock Primary and the place that you see in the photo is the present Boys' Brigade HQ.
Ok, judging from the picture, everyone seemed to have bad hair back then. Neat though.
The reason for posting up the picture is because those people in the picture are going to meet up very soon for a gathering. My mum received this picture through email and I thought it would be sweet if I posted it up.
42 people, meeting up 37 years after leaving primary school. Each one of them was just a figment of the life of another, yet each and everyone of them is the author of their own life.
It's pretty amazing to imagine and follow 42 different paths of lives for 37 years and at the end of this time, everything will be shared over a dinner table.
I can't express myself properly. :D
The thing with old school gatherings is that everyone will be so enthusiastically finding out stuff about each other and one can almost expect the sharing of life stories and name cards.
Let's not forget the exchange of words of encouragement and the occasional fist, should anyone get too high and wasted.
I wonder what will happen if I met up with my primary 6 classmates when I'm 49 years old. I think there will be so much to share. But then again, I don't think anyone would be that free to organise it anyway. Haha.
Oh yah, if you who are reading this entry know of anyone that was studying in Havelock Primary wayyyy back in the 1960s, show them the picture and they might actually find themselves in it.
But then again, it'll be difficult. My mum couldn't find herself. :)
someone apparently coloured it over with a blue ball point pen. :D
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