Wednesday, January 04, 2006

the one about enlisting

I have a tiny bout of flu. It's not exactly a good time to fall sick since I'm enlisting in like...2 days?

The only motivation I have is the possibility of 6 pacs, well other than that, it's probably that 1 week field camp in the jungle. Field camp is probably going to be fun, provided it doesn't rain.

The prospect of gazing up into the midnight sky and taking in the magnificient and seemingly endless sea of black dotted with thousands of stars few million miles away. Probably the Orion's Belt..

Throw in a tok cok buddy or two and it'll be good. I'll just have to remember to shuff my M-16 in my pants and zip it up for good measure when I go to sleep.

I would love a crew cut too. It's cool. Life is going to be good. If not better.

If I don't blog tomorrow, guess this will be the last post before I enter army. Then I can only blog again on Jan 20th.

Someone help me record American Idol.


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