Sunday, May 28, 2006

the one about Xmen 3

spoilers ahead.

I watched Xmen 3 the other day and it was great. I love the cartoon series and the one thing I hoped for when I watched the film was it to be as close to the comic as possible.

Well, not bad. At least it got me excited. But I'm still waiting for Hugh Jackman to put on yellow spandex. Then that'll be hot. :D

Hm. The film's action was really engaging and there were so many new mutants appearing. Big ones, small ones, fat ones, thin ones. Including a random who could regenerate his limbs every time they got chopped off.

Still quite disappointed over Angel's screen time. A really cool mutant who got the privilege of opening the show. I think it was one of the first scenes which he appeared in. I think his total screen time was sad.

Cyclops was quite pathetic though, having gotten wasted in the 1st half hour of the show. Together with Angel, he proves that having big exposure on movie posters doesn't mean getting big time on the screen itself.

As in all Hollywood films, they had to make the chinese dude look weird. At first I thought he was Spyke, but later some dude came on screen..and that was Spyke, fighting with Wolverine. Good stuff. Haha...the chinese dude wasn't really good looking in the first place and they had to make things worse. :p

The other few random mutants worth mentioning are Juggernaut and the Sonicwave guy who looks like a transvestite. Oh wait, I'm sorry. Sonicwave guy is actually a girl with a gay face. Hehe. Was trying to figure out what gender he/she belonged to until I figured guys couldn't have pectorals of such shape.

I think Shadowcat is kinda cute and Rouge has a really round face.

I was also traumatised when Magneto lost his powers.

Anyway, go catch it. It's hot stuff.


At Saturday, July 22, 2006 7:47:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.


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