Sunday, June 04, 2006

the one about creepy crawlies

hello everyone!

Life's pretty peaceful and relaxed right now with my mount/dismount/stand-by schedule. The only tough times on my job is probably waking up at 3am and walking around in the dark with my sbo and rifle for about half and hour or so then going back to sleep for an hour then waking up at 5am and walking around...and so on.

It's a good time to catch up with neglected forms of nature like frogs in the ditch and sounds of insects around the bushes. Well. At least it isn't too quiet around. Oh, I have yet to spot the supposed King Cobras though.

Working around here has also brought me closer to creepy crawlies. Just the other night I was sleeping in the mess, when I heard a thud next to me. I woke up to see a giant beetle right beside me on the pillow.

I was like...damn..shoud I like continue sleeping or what? But heck I just flicked it off and it landed somewhere and made quite a loud sound. If it landed anywhere westward, I could have woken up to some freshly-squeezed beetle juice.

On that particular night, I was also stung over and over by mosquitoes. I was wearing my singlet and ended up stuffing my arm into my backpack which I initially used as a bolster.

I also had this freaky encounter with ants.

At the sentry post, I went to sit at a corner of the cabin and started reading. I felt my back started to itch a little and sat up to discover that I've been resting on a wall teaming with ants.


The whole day I felt itchy, like there's ants crawling over me. Yeek!

Other than that, life's pretty enriching over there. All I can do there is read, read, read, play some chess, and read again. Haha!

Ok. Gotta go now. BYE!


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