Wednesday, August 23, 2006

the one about inspirational ramblings

I like the feeling of waking up on a week day afternoon and just sitting there, waiting for dinner. Well, okay, I was joking. The feeling of having nothing officially to do is actually liberating and leaves me with much choice to do what I really want.

What I really feel like doing on a lazy little week day like this where everyone else is getting on with their own lives in the army or in the university really isn't much. I just read a little. And then spend the time in front of the computer playing or blogging. Probably just flick on the DVD recorder to watch re-runs of LOTR or something.

I actually have the option of going town every other day or simply the 'hang out' places. But I reserve them for weekends with people who are free. And that beats going on this lazy little week day afternoon like this where the shop keepers in Hereen are probably swatting mosquitoes.

So I just stay home and appreciate my current life. A life which is kinda like me standing by the side of a highway watching the rest of my friends driving by along with the never-ending, vicious flow of traffic. I could turn around and enjoy the splendid scenery behind me while enjoying the breeze brushing against my cheeks. And is that my friend waving to me from behind the window?

Kinda weird analogy, but the idea is there.

Vicious eh? The system that is. Everyone's getting on with their lives, mostly in the university. But one seriously suspects if they are there by choice or lack thereof.

And I consider myself rather lucky to be able to get this 'free' time so I could sit back and think, reflect and decide what I want in life. While sipping coffee and watching my uni friends struggle with school life. Muahaha.

Kidding. Actually I'm looking forward to uni life. Still beats this forsaken place. Ok, bye!


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