Thursday, October 19, 2006

the one about some resolutions

At least there's something to look forward to every night. I never thought I would be so interested in keeping up with televison dramas. Yeah, I can't take my eyes off One Tree Hill.

One of the best shows I've watched in a while. Gives me a fuzzy feeling every episode. It's so..engaging and sometimes touching and the girls are cute, especially Peyton. Seriously considering to buy the DVD series.

Recently, I've told myself certain things that I would definitely want to accomplish in the future. I think of my future a lot. What I'm going to do, going to be..

For one, I'm definitely going to earn as much money as possible. Some people think it's superficial to say that shit. And they give shit logic claims like money-is-not-really-important-as-long-as-you-are-happy type of hippie explanation. Get real. Whatever they say, cash is what makes the world go round. And really, people around care mostly about how much money you own.

For two, I'm going to keep myself as fit, healthy and well-groomed as possible. I don't want to wake up one morning and the first thing I see is my beer belly peering from under my blanket. Or struggle to pull myself in front of the mirror where I see a pale, chubby face staring back at me, with the double chin pretty obvious. Argh, and that bad hair. And the doc I've to see later regarding my cholesterol level. That isn't going to happen.

For three, I'm going to do my best to create and maintain as happy a family as possible. Money is important yes, but not at the expense of family. How many times have you heard people regretting at their deathbed of how they didn't spend enough time with their loved ones? Nope. Have a happy and bonded family is the basis for everything to build on. I guess it's the most meaningful thing in life but of course people don't realise it. I'm going to make that effort because it's worth it.

Just...spend more time with your loved ones.


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