Friday, September 15, 2006

the one about certain army stuff

Driving test is on the coming Monday. Sometimes I wonder if over practising is good for you. Hope everything will turn up fine. Wait for my good news.

Anyway, I got the opportunity to escort a whole lot of colonels around camp today and the presence was quite overwhelming. One of them spoke to me. Well, that goes down as one of the very few high points in my NS life. :)

Just yesterday, as I was waking up from my little nap on the plastic beach chair by the window, I was greeted by the '1 message received' signal on my phone. Being the anti-social little prick that I am, that meant a lot.

I'm a simple and rather happy person actually. Other than messages from other guys or persistent phone companies, I welcome the rest.

Well, you could have said that particular sms broke my day. A good guy friend from OCS messaged me to 'update' me on his achievements in camp. I didn't respond to him and I didn't want to blog about it either. But I found it unnecessary and irritating, even bordering on the edge of plain arrogance.

Really I don't care whether your 32k is over or how you 'braved through it all' with a runny nose. Telling me about your perfect score for range and attaining some sort of CBS badge was redundant too. According to him, those are proud achievements but sadly, he's down for attn C for the first time (wow) because, apparently, he 'braved through it all'.

So much for sharing your joy. That was a perfect ego trip for you but at the expense of me feeling kind of useless in the army.

I know I have a dream vocation, literally. But you didn't have to remind me, thank you very much.

I know we are quite good friends but I had to say something about it. But I doubt you'll be reading this anyways.

On a side note, my PC say I 'jia kan tang'. Supposedly very 'ang mo'. Do I really generate that 'ang mo' vibe? Haha.


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