the one about driving and then going up wrong highway argh
Taking the wrong exit along the highway caused me to arrive in class half and hour late today. So much for leaving the house at 6.15pm and driving off 5 minutes later, leaving no room for error and no account for the peak hour traffic, expecting to reach class at 7pm.Over-confidence on my part.
Luckily didn't miss out much since he was finishing up some content from the last chapter, which I've some sorta covered on my own. Better leave home earlier next time.
Speaking of driving, I used to have feelings of insecurity whenever I'm in the passenger seat and the driver is speeding. Speeding as in like above 80km/h. Ok, that might not be speeding to some, but I did have slight andrenaline rushes now and then and minor waves of panic whenever I sense the surroundings whirling past me next to the passenger window.
In the driver's seat, 80km/h seems slow and you just want to go faster. Heh heh. Ok ok I'm a really safe driver really. Never go above 100km/h. :D
Anyway, life has been rather dull in camp. Well, not that I want anything interesting or vaguely exciting to happen though. I would just like to sit down, study, doze off, wake up, have lunch and watch the more garang soldiers catch big fishes in the giant longkang nearby. Really really kampongish lifestyle depending how you look at it.
Being feeling very sleepy lately. Probably because of all the driving, cannot sleep on the way to camp like before. But then again, I get more sleep cos' I can now step out of the house much later.
So I guess it's the concentration I put on the road and on my books that have made me so tired lately. Ok then, speaking of which, I think I should get some sleep soon.
Good night!
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