Thursday, June 08, 2006

the one about many thoughts

Travelling to and fro between home and camp is a freaking big turn off.

It's fine when the roads aren't too congested. But during peak hours, the buses are so crowded and they move so slowly that sometimes you just want to stay in.

Other than that, it feels great to be home.

I just caught Singapore Idol on tv. Yay! Jasmine got in! Sometimes I see her on television and it's just so surreal to imagine that I was once in the same CCA camp group as her in JC1. Well, she didn't stay in HnF and she left for table tennis soon after. Yeah, but she's a great gal.

Remember to vote for her.

On a side note, you know the cd advertisement for 'BIGGER', that disc with all the popular hits and also the one which has the giant burger on the cover?

My dad saw it and asked me whether I wanted to buy and share. As in....not the cd! The burger! He obviously thought it was some KFC or Mac ad. Haha, that's my dad! a time of mp3s, who's goin to buy CDs like those anyway? To me, these compilation type CDs are just low budget productions thrown out into the market by over-zealous music companies trying to make a quick buck from angsty and emo youngsters who think they can attain instant coolness just by purchasing that piece of trash. :D

Now wasn't that a long sentence. A sweeping statement too.

Anyway, you know the whiney, over-rated Daniel Powter(?) song that they like to play when some poor soul gets run over by some judges in Singapore Idol trailer trash? The one they blast in the background when some idol hopeful gets booted?

Yeah! You're right! The song that has to do with losing. Yes that one.

It sucks. :p

Hope i didn't insult anyone's taste. Heeheehee.


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