Wednesday, February 07, 2007

the one about blatant stupidity and blurness

I've made scary mistakes during driving. And I mean, really scary.

Almost ran past a red light but stopped just in time. Kinda dangerous cos' the other junction had cars coming down from the highway. Why? Perhaps I was dreaming. Ok, that's kinda wtf.

Wanted to turn right into a small road. But didn't see a car coming straight my way. It was kinda fast. Again, braked in time. Heh heh.

A few days back I beat a traffic light. I don't know whether I got snapped or not. It was kinda stupid and rash on my part. Please don't learn.

One time I made a rather quick turn and almost caused an accident. What accident? Don't want to say.

But none of which is as foolish as the time I wanted to chase a Ferrari. Couldn't change lane in time and the next moment, it just disappeared.

Sorry for bothering you with my foolishness. But I think I'm learning from the lessons already. :D


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