the one about clubbing and IPPT
Wow..finally I've decided to place my lazy fingers on the keyboard to actually type a entry detailing the 'interesting' events of the past week, rather than scroll around lazily with my little black hip-looking mouse control which I have to curl my fingers to use.How's that for an intro anyway, 1 long sentence of incoherent nonsense that will have nothing to do with what I'm about to blog about. I always had this problem of starting off essays back in the JC era, nothing has changed now. Cheers.
Well, I finally went for clubbing last Saturday. I say finally cos' I've been talking about doing it a long while but realised there wasn't really anyone to go with me. How sad. Well..last week was Potato's birthday so a few of us plus his sis and boyfriend went there to celebrate. MOS is pretty fine but noisy (which club isnt'? :D) and we just sat at a corner at the bottom of the stairs and drank, talked and played silly number games. Just for the record though, I didn't drink cos' I drove there. I kinda had to go back to camp the next day for duty so I had to have the benefit of travelling around easy.
We went to the R & B cage area and nodded our heads a little, in sync to the beat of course, and for me at least, no hand and leg movement cos' there wasn't any space to move anyways. I bet I was the only one 100 percent sober on the dance floor unless there was someone else who decided to be a responsible citizen too and not drink and drive or maybe there's this someone else who just wanted to look cool by pretending to drink whisky which was actually green tea. Oops.
I thought you had to get a little drunk before you could enjoy yourself on the dance floor. Apparently, I didn't need it. It was pretty fun watching everyone around you getting high while you just nodded around and pretended you were high. There was this guy/girl with short hair(?) dancing really enthusiastically with a girl who had her back facing me. She was short so she kept bumping into my jaw and kept turning around to apologise. Sorry too loud cannot hear.
But well, it was fun la. I guess all the thrill about getting high in a very crowded R & B cage is that you can do all the stupid dance moves like bobbing your head and cheer hysterically when a new beat comes on and look perfectly normal, just like everyone else.
Self consciousness sticks out like a sore thumb. Like anyone notices anyway.
MOS is rather like a huge hall with many differently themed rooms. Ok, like you need to know that. Well..we just explored the place, went back to our corner, they had a few shots of whiskey, then went back to the dance floor again. Oh, and Gayle from Singapore Idol was dancing beside me. Hur hur.
Left at 2.30am. Kinda liked the whole thing. The acoustics quite good.
Had my IPPT on Tuesday. I never loved IPPTs. Find me someone who does anyway. I always have this feeling of dread in the days leading up to D-day. And it lasts all the way up to the point when I'm at the start of the 2.4km route and someone yells go. Then it's about 11 minutes of hell for me. 11 and a half when I'm off. My long distance sucks, I know. It kinda was 11 minutes at the start of 2007 and it dropped to 11:26 this time around.
Must be the lifestyle. Ok so I got 3As and 2Cs and got a Silver. 100 bucks. Yay.
Anyway, it was interesting watching ET on a sleepy Sunday afternoon. What a classic. And if you have been an avid reader of my blog, you would notice I wasn't exactly a master of ending my posts with a nice zingy conclusion. So yeah, bye and see you soon.
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