the one about irritating DF commercials
The other day I was at the bus stop opposite Suntec City, there was this double decker bus, the one without the know, normally for the tourists..passing by at the opposite..There was this bunch of rowdy people at the top, generating quite a lot of attention.It was not long before I discovered it was those contestants from Dance Floor. I remotely remember they did something like this for Singapore Idol before but it wasn't as irritating. Dance Floor is irritating. All the hype leading up to the competition didn't live up to the real thing. But I don't think I'm a good judge since I probably watched only about 3/4 of an episode so far. Maybe I'm simply not interested in dancing but can someone tell me if it's really as boring as it seems to me? Hm.
But the frequency and duration of commercials of replays were enough to irritate the hell out of me. The music gets on my nerves, the dances are corny and so much hype generated out of nothing at all. Yuck. I just switch channels whenever it comes on.
I really cannot think of anyone who would look at the commercial for the fifth time in a week and admire all the dance moves and think to themselves, "Wow, am so going to vote for them!" The same commercial is up for at least 1 week and if you turn on Channel 5 for one hour, you'll probably get to watch it at LEAST twice. What? Correct me if am wrong though.
So did I wave back? Yeah. A little. Just to make them feel good about themselves. I almost raised the finger. They seemed happy to wave back. Well.. good for them. Win and create a dance DVD to sell. I'm sure it'll do pretty well in Singapore. Perform at some charity shows too, generate some good karma.
Oh well. At least the $50k is something to look forward to. :D
Anyways, someone stole my Adidas sneakers from my shoe cupboard. Damn it. Shouldn't have left it outside in the first place. Grr.
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