the one about field camp
The past weeks have been a blast where everything important about BMT took place. Live range, field camp and the live grenade throw, packed into a small time frame of raftly 14 days.The infamous field camp was okay..well..I survived without falling out at least. The environment was harsh especially in the 1st 2 days and as our platoon commander did predict, we really did feel like shit.
Day 1
Had a 8km route march from camp to somewhere in the northwest of Tekong with full battle order and the field pack had to weigh down my shoulders so much. It was mentally straining and people started falling out all over the place. It was not long after we reached the camp site when it started to rain heavily. The condition of the camp wasn't great either. Hilly area, heavy rain, extreme mud conditions and my basha all the way in, it was hell.
Day 2
It fucking rained again. This time it was heavier than day 1. The mud became softer and thicker. It was like waddling around in a swamp.
Day 3
Lost and recovered ET spade. Thought it was okay until we got punished quite interestingly at the new campsite. Interesting in the form of 30m leopard crawls, push ups, sit ups and jumping jacks(a lot).
Day 4
Supposed to have technical break in the afternoon. Company level tekan in the morning, supposedly to make our break more deserving. Running around campsite with rifles over head is no joke. I did push ups till my arms became wobbly.
Day 5
Nothing much. Did the usual fire movement and formations and stuff. Sergeant Major brought his lap top and set up this giant screen and we watched a movie. It's that Korean war show, 'Brotherhood'. Talk about welfare.
Day 6
Unique day, since it's not everyday you get to dig holes in the ground to sleep in. Especially special since that day was Valentine's day.
Day 7
Had the Battle Innoculation Course as a finale for field camp. Leopard crawling with live rounds firing above. Didn't require much brains or guts. Just plain brawn.
We also had our combat rations for meals, other than the last few days when we had fresh cooked food sent to us. Combat rations taste good at first but it just plain sucks at the end. At this moment, it's just puke inducing. Some of the more notorious ones are 'Curry Chicken Noodles' and 'Creamy Corn'.
We had our own accessory packs too. A typical pack includes a drink(ribena, nescafe), plain biscuits, fruit bars, more biscuits. If you're lucky, you'll get Oreo, Tuna can, M & M's and all sorts of snacks.
It just all boils down to paying taxes.