the one about sitting banana boat
Wow. It has indeed been sometime since I last blogged. Hm. Life's pretty normal, can't expect much excitement from a full time NSF. Especially one with not much of a life. :)
Last Friday, our company had this christmas event at SAF Yatch Club. Supposed to be a get-together for the few platoons. Rather boring at first, played some games which vaguely resembled what I would normally play at first day orientations. eg. Dog and Bone.
Later when things started picking up, the few of us went to sit 'Banana Boat'. It is called that because it's like this giant float which is long and yellow and looks like a banana. Yeah, so we're supposed to sit on it with a power boat pulling us using a cable.
The boat drags us at high speeds. So it's supposed to be exciting. Yah actually it is. Quite fun. The thing is, aside from the andrenaline rush and all, we were supposed to try to keep the boat from capsizing, which was rather difficult. We sorta got used to all the falling and climbing back up again.
On to other stuff, I've finally decided to take up a Diploma in Tourism, Travel and Hospitality Management. What a mouthful. And yes, it's not a degree. Decided that it was way too expensive ($27k) and not worth the additional benefits it might bring. I might also have to defer the course when I enter NUS and complete it during my term breaks.
Hm. Expect to finish it by the time I ORD. Hope it helps.
Bye, see you soon.
the one about a rainy yet pleasant day
Today's a rainy day. As usual. Met up with Yunqi for lunch. Went to Billy Bombers at the Heeren. Billy Bombers is a cute little american restaurant with a very retro setting.
Had the club sandwich which made me really full. Chicken and bacon in between some soft, weird-looking bread, with thick chunks of potatoes they call fries. Heheh. The sandwich was okay but the fries was rather tasteless and filled me up really quickly. Yunqi had some long sandwich filled with melted cheese and beef pieces (i think it's beef). Reminded me of BK's Mushroom Swiss and a bit of Roti John. Again accompanied by tasteless fries.
Salads had this strong flavour which I suspect came from the pickles. Not nice.
I thought I wouldn't feel so full since it was a sandwich. But anyways, you should drop by if you're looking for a refreshing change from other western restaurants.
Shopped around a bit but was generally stuck at several places due to the heavy rain.
Haha..guess what, when I went home, I realised my mom's friends had come over for karaoke session. The moment I entered the house, it only took one auntie to tell everyone I was back and soon enough, one by one came over to ask me to eat this, eat that. One auntie wrap the popiah for me then another unwrap one otah for me. (Both were homemade, btw)
Hurhur. I wouldn't mind if I hadn't had the sandwich earlier but at that time, I was still feeling quite full. Let me count...okay, in order not to appear rude, I consumed..1 popiah, 1 soon kueh, 2 otahs, 1 durian puff and 2 durian tarts. Yay, I feel so loved. What a pleasant excuse to overeat!
Actually, wanted to talk about their singing. But on second thought, nevermind.
Hm. Okay right now, my parents are singing karaoke, which is quite bad, cos it's like 11pm. And I can't listen to my songs on the computer while the speakers are blaring in the background. Grr. Okay, time to go. Bye.
the one about my weekend which was rather ok
Hello. I hope you had a nice weekend. I did. Looking back at the last post, I was quite surprised I actually put up such a long argument against a fool, where I could have just replaced it with 2 words.
Dad wants to buy me a watch this Christmas. Haha. Kinda like the DKNY one I saw earlier. Probably look around more before coming to a decision.
Yesterday's HnF PPC was quite boring. It started in the afternoon but I went at around 6pm. Ended up eating 2 slices of pizza and a piece of bread. Talked a little then proceeded home. It was rather uneventful but I enjoyed driving along East Coast nonetheless.
Later that night, met up with Howard at KFC to grab a bite. I kinda like the chicken from KFC. It's sinful but still something I indulge in once in a while. Free flow of drinks too. :D
Today was quite boring. Lazed around, watching television, reading newspapers, playing soccer on the comp. Had quite a good nap in the afternoon. And speaking of sleep, I've been sleeping quite well lately. That's something new and I'm quite happy. :)
On leave Monday and Tuesday and am looking for hang out buddies. Anyone. No one is usually free on weekdays so I'm not keeping my hopes too high. Yeah. But a break from camp is vital no matter what.
Ok. Time to sleep. I apologise if details from my boring life bored you too much. Anyhows, have a great week ahead!
the one about finally having someone flame me. ouch.
hello everyone, it is very seldom that anyone actually tags on my blog. And no matter how pathetic it seems to be, I am often quite delighted when visitors and good friends drop by to say hi. But given my visitor count, I don't really expect many taggers anyways.
So imagine how refreshing and interesting it is when one day, some mysterious visitor who decides to name himself after a number, drops by and decides to make an announcement on my status in life. I happen to be seriously running out of topics to write here and I quickly pounced on this timely intervention to cook up a post.
Mr 15 claimed that I was trying to climb up to elite status because I was aiming for a second degree. Er. You didn't define the boundaries of an elite and what it stood for so I really don't know how to rebutt you. If you want to flame people anonymously, please at least do so more clearly because I don't know who you are so I really cannot clarify with you I'm sorry.
If you mean elite as rich and high class, then you obviously don't make sense as getting a 2nd degree doesn't necessarily turn you in that direction. If you mean elite in education status, then it'll start to make a little more sense but still, in today's context, a 2nd degree just makes you a wee bit more marketable and credible in future, and you will not be 'educationally elite' just because you hold 2 papers instead of 1.
So you said too, that since I admitted I was average, I should stick to being average all my life because no amount of education will help me raise myself up from mediocrity. I don't know how you came to that conclusion. Probably you've worked with me before and deemed me as a hopeless fool who always tried to break higher ground but to no avail. Speaking of which, you really don't know me do you?
Or maybe it's something you've frequently experienced, you yourself trying to break out of that 'average' mould but couldn't, so you came up with a sweeping conclusion that all human beings, once fallen into place in society, cannot progress upward. That's pretty much hogwash and it's sounds so ridiculous I can't bother elaborating further. If that's the case, I appreciate you sharing your life thesis with me but I'll just listen to it for entertainment sake.
Don't worry, if you work hard enough, I'm sure you'll be above average someday.
And I didn't say how average I was did I? All I did was say that I was average but I didn't say how average I was. Hm. I'm quite worried that Mr 15 might be some 'elite' member of society trying to protect the sacred realm from low lifers like yours truly. But I don't think he knows how average I am unless he has worked with me before. Because 'average' is the term I gave myself based on my own perception about how I can't measure up to the people around me and there's no clear indication of how 'average' I am really am.
Maybe you are a scholar with 4as and 2ds, with that I am rather impressed with your level of understanding of the world around you and your low eq. Or you could be some random who went keyboard-happy for the moment, which simply means that I've wasted some precious time responding to nonsense.
Wait long long also cannot? Assuming all your theories about me are correct, then this might be the only flaw. Of course I'm not going to sit back and wait. Then of course, long long also cannot. If you want to improve, then you've got to work for it duh. And of course, I have the ability to do so. =)
Just for the record, you visited my blog at 10:11am and left your imprint at 10:14am today. 3 minutes to read my previous post and come up with such an indepth conclusion about my social status that even I, have frequently questioned myself over.
Good job. Oh and you shouldn't use computers belonging to the army to serve internet.
I heard they keep tabs.
the one about taking a step further
Decisions Decisions Decisions.
Being contemplating on taking up either a diploma or degree in the next year or so before I ord. Initially I thought of taking up a diploma because I thought a 2 or 3 year degree wasn't possible to complete before I entered NUS. But after some research, studying for a degree at this point of time didn't seem very out of reach at all.
Everything just needed a little adjusting.
Have been seeking opinion from various sources. Friends, family and the really really friendly vice dean of the business school. I got a wide range of opinion and ideas and it was fun going through all of it. Today I went down to MDIS again to find out more. Everything seemed all the more plausible.
My mum told me recently 'nowsaday 1 degree where got enough, need at least 2'. So I figure since I was going to take another one beside the NUS one, why not now.
since i'm like so damn free. haha.What my mum said is true. I'm going after the degree so I can stand out and be more credible in future.
Most importantly, it's because I'm sick of being average.
the one about good food
Food from Thai Express. Great place.

Beancurd with chilli and ground nuts, soft shell crab, avocado milkshake and green curry chicken. I love the first two. Green curry is great too though it's a little too salty. Avocado milkshake tasted rather unique. Not sweet and quite refreshing. Will be back there someday.
Anyway, life seems so much more convenient when you can drive around. And I'm already getting quite lazy to take public transport. Always looking for opportunities to drive Dad's car. Recently, have been driving my parents around and I haven't taken a bus in ages. getting rather sleepy now after so many rounds of soccer on the comp. Probably going to listen to some music then go sleep. Bye.