the one about rude boys
I'm irritated by young kids who scream, run, talk loudly and behave like brats. Especially young boys. I rather my kid be a girl if I had one. But who I am to get frustrated when I myself was a rascal when I was in kindergarten.
I remember I used to shout back at teachers and tell them to shut up when they scolded me. Well, I guess no one really likes being scolded. I was just more
vocal and perhaps, took it more personally. I was also more of an 'english' kid, which meant I knew little Chinese and spoke english most of the time, and so I answered in English when my chinese teacher asked me a question
in chinese. I could understand but I wasn't that eloquent.
That was in kindergarten. I wish I was that vocal now. But I'm not a kid no more, which meant people around will be less tolerant of whatever you say or do. Yesterday on the way back home on No. 16, 3 idiotic boys from an average boys school were seated behind me. They spoke very loudly and used they used vulgarities as punctuation. Not surprisingly, they were happily engaging in brainless talk which consisted of racist jokes mostly. I was terribly irritated by them and kept turning my head back at an angle because, well..I was irritated. That's me, I can't stand people talking loudly like nobody's business, especially when they use vulgarities.
So one bloke broke out, "That farking VJC guy in front of us keep staring at us." At that point, I was listening to my mp3 but he said it so loudly I could hear it anyway. Then another said I might be listening to what they were saying and I probably pressed pause or something, whatever that means.
Well. If I was listening to Metallica at that point, I might have turned around and gave them the finger or something. Too bad, I was listening to one of Queen's catchy anthems. Anyway, in this type of situation, I don't usually do anything. Haha, firstly, I don't want to get into trouble. I mean, god knows how many gangs they are connected to. Later they ask their brothers come and lub me how? On a serious note, I don't get myself into this type of trouble because I'm really a guai gia. Hate to say that, but I really am. :))
On a side note, I'm really scared I may explode one day because all the nasty stuff that I really want to let go(I'm not talking about bowel movement)are usually bottled up inside of me, usually supressed by a soft 'fark you lah' or a minor point of the finger. Of course, I don't hurl insults on people, only inanimate objects like buses. But then I figured buses were controlled by people...
Behind :), I'm angsty and potentially dangerous. Have a nice day!
the one about really shitty movies
I went to town today and spent about 40 bucks. Of which half was for the new Bon Jovi CD, a quarter for my mum's birthday present while the remaining 8 bucks I threw down the drain.
Yep, I spent the 8 bucks on a festering piece of box office crap they call 'The Cave'. In my life, I've watched 2 movies which were ultimate disasters. 'The cave' is one of them, the other one is 'Bean: The Ultimate Disaster Movie'. The entire plot is like the title of the movie, hollow and idiotically simple. It's so simple I can sum it up in one sentence: A cave is discovered underground and people are sent to explore it.
Story development is thin and the entire show merely revolves around people getting trapped, attacked and then eaten. One by one, the cast gets eliminated, just like how all those doods are voted out on Survivor, just that Survivor has more bitching that's all. Anyway, 92 percent of the 1.5 hour show takes place in a massive underground cave, so everything is freaking dark. Howard brought his torch light but was told by the theatre staff that he couldn't use it. Plus, the cast had their own torches already. Didn't help as the show was already dull enough.
Oh yah. The cast is made up of F-listers that I haven't even seen before. I'm not sure about the exact amount, but I think these peeps are paid about 60 cents an hour. I mean, which mentally sound director would cast an A-lister in career-ruining garbage like this? I figure he's probably out for a quick buck to top up his coffee money. Ok..probably the only face I recognise is Daniel Dae-Kim from 'Lost', which is a rather pleasant surprise since he actually speaks english in the show. Nothing much to expect though, he's an Asian in a Hollywood film. And people like them don't have much of a script and don't last till the end of the show. It's like..duh. Hollywood leh, what were you expecting. The only saving grace was that he wasn't the first to go and he perished rather spectacularly(drew the loudest eeees from the audience). Surprisingly, the black guy didn't die. Yayy..
Action looked promising at first. But everything else seemed the same after the 1st monster attack. Monsters looked like they were recycled from Resident Evil. Ok, maybe it was thrilling and such, but after a while, I felt kind of irritated. I think it was partly due to the extremely dull setting and INYOURFACE violence and gore.
Ending again, like all shitty movies, was too abrupt. The story had so much freaking potential to be developed further..I mean couldn't the director have extended it by half and hour and actually make it more complete? Afterall, it's just 1.5 hours long. The show seemed to have ended when they escaped, and then there was a hint at further plot development, and then I was really excited, and then it really ended. Whatever. Oh yah, and the ending song sucked to high heavens. Couldn't even consider it a song. It was rhythmic disaster.
Recommended for:
People who like dark movies with thin storylines, F-listers, lots of blood and senseless man vs monster violence. Eg: stupid emo-goth wannabes.
Don't watch if:
You have money issues, a weak heart, a bad temper, a mentally sound mind and a packed schedule. People who can't take nonsense should avoid it at all costs.
Overall rating: 4/10
You should just watch
Learn more about this festering atrocity here.
the one about fans and trees
I thought no one bothered about my blog until I saw this:

Yes, the counter was jumping, but no one cared to leave any comments. I was indeed feeling very traumatised and demoralised because I felt I was you know, talking to the wall. But hey, these people gave me a sense of hope! At first I really didn't know if what these people were up to..were they some angry netizens or some of my
hardcore fans? After giving it some serious thought, I figure people only gather out there and hold banners for certain reasons:
1)Not enough food
2)Not enough jobs
3)Not enough freedom
4)They are animal activists (Say NO to fur! yadayada)
5)They are fighting for/against gay rights
6)Oil prices
8)They just like you
1,2 & 3 are impossible right? I'm not part of the government. And number 4 is even more ridiculous since no animals were harmed in the production of this blog. I'm not a foul-mouthed rapper neither am I a part of the OPEC nations. And
DON'T you ever link a light blue and white coloured blog with gayness. I'm the man. So that leaves me with number 8..which says..oh! They just adore me. Okok, see? All my fans are peaceful and rational people. Never will they ever resort to violence. They did not even litter for goodness sake!
I think I'm feeling recharged and highly motivated again. I suddenly feel a huge andrenaline rush and can't wait to blog more. But let's just leave that to the next post. Meanwhile, I guess I'll just have to settle the nitty gritty details of my sponsorship of 'The Yellow Paper Project', a yearly project by World Tree Foundation(WTF) dedicated to protecting the trees of the world!
Paste the yellow paper. Give the trees a second chance. Peace.
the one about killing time
Now that the prelims are over, I guess I'll just take a break before getting back to real studying again. And right now, I'm in the midst of a blogger's block. Inspiration is down to zero, partially contributed by intense mugging and the lack of sleep. Now, if someone really came up to me, pointed a gun at my head and forced me to blog, I will have probably nothing else to type except pV=nRT and Bernoulli's equation.
Things I can do in the next few days:
What: Go for some intense long distance cycling along East Coast.
Description: Cycle past the school, East Coast Mac, Bedok Jetty, taking in the fresh sea air, sea breeze and running into the occasional spider web. A great way to shed the kilos.
Turn on: Lots of eye candy rollerblading (please don't take this literally).
Turn off: Lots of menacing-looking dudes accompanying them.
Overall fun factor: 6/10
What: Blogging & blog-hopping.
Description: Erm. In other words, writing this online journal and jumping (on 1 foot) from 1 journal to another. Reading hilarious blogs such as
Museum of Twits and
Retard Patrol.
Turn on: Get myself in the thick of action between
Xiaxue and
Anti-Xiaxue by leaving comments on the their forums. Feel the andrenaline.
Turn off: Get lambasted for leaving pro-xiaxue comments on an anti-xiaxue blog. Or vice versa.
Overall fun factor: 5.5/10
What: Engage in some serious karaoke singing.
Description: Convert my hall into K-box and sing along to all the karaoke I have.
Turn on: the music (yeah yeah)
Turn off: a bad sorethroat
Overall fun factor: 7/10
What: Go town, catch movies, people-watch
Description: Probably one of the most common and popular activities of angsty teens, it's also one that doesn't require much brains, which suits me perfectly. Lots of nice movies to catch, probably going on a movie marathon. Oh yah, get the latest Bon Jovi CD. Town is also the place with loads and loads of eye candy, eye sores, wannabes, posers, wannabe posers and fashion mishaps.
Turn on: Movies
Turn off: High tendency for bankruptcy, even higher tendency to break into fits if I see one of those wannabe-poseur-fashion-catasthrophes.
Overall fun factor: 6.65/10
Ok, I'm officially idea-bankrupt now. Probably catch some sleep and hopefully some sweet dreams that I can share with everybody. By the way, I think I just contradicted myself. No one held me at gun point but I still managed a post. Hurray!
Note: Dial 998 for Fashion Police. If you see a fashion disaster, dial immediately as consequences might/should be potentially fatal. Calls are toll free and are charged at 50c every 30s.
the one about giant scissors and teachers selling canteen food
The passing of this week saw 3/4 of the prelims come and go. It had been a tough week. During this period of time, my dreams have been more frequent and weirder, or should I say more..thought inducing?
Here's just a list of some of the dreams I had the past week (in no particular order whatsoever):
1)I dreamt I was with a group of people, probably including relatives and such. Then I remember walking into a giant lobby with different levels and all they had there was lots and lots of pool tables. After that, I somehow arrived at this scenic place. Think country side, low wooden fences, mountain in the distance, large open area. More of earth, less of grass..think Old Western..Then I was twirling this gigantic scissors in my right hand, and was actually feeling conscious about not hurting myself. I told someone next to me, "Nice place..not bad..let's just stay here." Something along that line.
2)Dreamt I was with a few of my friends from VJ. We walked into this large, old, ruined monumental-like building, the type with many pillars in front. It only had one level with a high ceiling. The place was pretty dark but as it was open air, there was light streaming in. The whole place was just a magnificiently sheltered hall, with a statue in the middle which I can't remember. Remains of a past civilisation perhaps? Reminded me so much of Rome.
3)I was at a busy eating area. I thought it resembled a renovated version of my primary school canteen. A familiar person at one particular stall called out to me. "_______?" (fill in favourite food)was what she asked me. Turned out the person was one of the VJ Maths teachers who taught us Linear Interpolation. Actually thought that she was working part time as a canteen vendor...tsk. Arrived at the loos which were differentiated by fruit and colour. Yellow for the guys and blue for the gals. I forgot the fruit. Went inside and saw that one of my VJ friends was having his food at one of the tables(?) there.
4)I dreamt that one of my closer friends passed away. But I vaguely remember him being alive in the end. Enough said.
Number 2 and 3 are actually from the same dream. The canteen was outside the hall on the other side.
the one about levitation
If you happened to catch one of those re-re runs of 'David Blaine Street Magic', be sure to look out for the part where he levitates. I've been trying to figure out how in the world he does that, but I still can't despite the re-re-re runs of the show.
The ability to levitate with your 2 feet leaving the ground is humanely impossible, or what others might put it, inhumanely possible. I personally feel it is both. The only possibility I can think of now is that Blaine did the entire levitation thingey using computer effects, and the passers-by were probably Hollywood D-listers paid 50c an hour to act surprised. Otherwise, he's probably a retired professional basketballer with ridiculous hang time.
So intrigued was I that I decided to try to levitate myself. As I played basketball back in high school, I figured I prolly had an advantage. However, in a bid to maximise the distance between my feet and the ground, I jumped too high and hit my head against the stairs. That aside, I think I managed 0.5 seconds. That's half a second, pretty good!
It was not until a few days later when a certain friend came by and taught me
the levitation trick. It involved facing 37 degrees(or was it 36?)away from your target audience, such that the front portion of your left foot remained hidden behind your right. And then you raise everything but your left toes. uh..yea, something along that line. Go experiment yourself. David Blaine didn't use this anyway, his 2 feet was off the ground. But I guess this trick is the best thing after computer effects. :)
And yes, my dad fell for the trick twice. I "levitated" twice on 2 seperate occasions and he looked surprised too, just like the D-listers on TV, except he isn't paid 50c an hour. No, he ain't stupid. Don't you ever say my Dad is stupid or gullible or whatsoever. Like son like father so he is actually a genius. My trick looked freaking real, that's all. Oh yes, when I "levitated" in front of my mum, she looked at me as though I had turned satanic.
Hmm. So anyone got answers? How does Blaine do it? Meanwhile, check
this guy out. He makes Blaine's levitation look stupid.
the one about the possible endings for 'Lost'
Was visiting my own page to check out my latest publication when I saw that the counter had hit 100. I initially thought of lending my password to the 100th visitor so he or she can have the once in a lifetime opportunity to write one entry in my blog. But since I was the one who hit 100 on my own page, I have decided to celebrate my own achievement by writing a 'I-have-reached-a-hundred-visitors-and-I-am-so-damn-happy' special entry for all you fans out there. For all I know, I didn't hit 'Refresh' 99 times.
Since today is Thursday, and on Thursday, it's offically 'Lost' Day, I shall blog about this TV series. I hope you know what is 'Lost'. It's the TV series about this group of plane crash survivors who get stranded on an island and then, it's 'beasts on island vs humans' or 'humans vs humans' storyline. If you still don't quite get what I'm talking about, it's also the TV series whose commercials and trailers were spammed by Channel 5 so much it irritated me to tears.
Now, 'Lost' is a pretty strange show. At least it's strange for me. For one, the whole show is rather confusing. Sometimes, I really cannot figure out what the plot is about, but I still watch it every week, which makes it even stranger, since I rather spend my hours watching a certain friend eat very slowly than waste time on a load of crap I don't understand. Anyway, the most bizarre thing I encountered while watching this show was that time seemed to pass very quickly whenever I did.
I tried watching O.C(which is directly after Lost)once, and time seemed to slow down drastically. In my opinion, it's probably taking a rest after running through 'Lost'. Is it just me, or is O.C really boring? Tell me, I'm dying to know. I fell asleep during the 'California, here we come!' part and woke up 3/4 through the show, only to realise that I have dreamt about shooting aliens, singing, playing basketball, defecting to the
dark side, Ryan from O.C guest starring in 'Lost', and forgetting to watch 'Lost' that Thursday. I watched the next 3.5 minutes of the show because that chio bu was in it and then I switched it off.
Ok, anyway, back to 'Lost'. Since I have been trying to figure out the ending for a long time now, I kind of came up with lots of possible ideas for it in the process.
1)Since it's not dinosaurs, it's probably an overgrown bear that is attacking the poor souls. Well, 'bear' is the first thing that comes to mind whenever that thing attacks someone. Ending would involve everyone trying to kill the bear, and then killing those people who arrived before them. They will have enough meat to last them for the rest of their lives on the island.
2)Everything is just an illusion. There is no wild animals or people. Everyone is still suffering from post-crash shock and they start hallucinating and such. No one notices anyone acting strangely since everyone is as blur as everyone else. This is what I call, subconscious survival. They eat, live and breathe subconsciously. Suddenly the effect wears off and a helicopter comes in to rescue them.
3)Charlie is probably dreaming up everything. The entire series is just his dream. His dream is that long because he took too much drugs. Imagine, last episode, he wakes up, and the plot is still hanging mid-air. And then the credits roll. And then we have a broken television screen, with a remote control lying beside it.
4)Producers probably made the show to diss 'Survivor'. Picture in the last episode, every plane crash survivor returns to vote for the winner, who walks away with a million dollars. The rest set up their home on the island.'s getting late and I can't be bothered to think anymore. Hope that will suffice. Anyway, if you know the ending, please don't tell me. And yes, Mr Don't-put-my-name-on-this-blog-cos-it-sounds-conspicuous has agreed to copy the entire series for me on DVD. Yeah.