the one about life so far
I'm getting used to all the crap in the army..the last minute change of plans, the big rush up and down 4 storeys everyday, the marching, the pumping and all the things they throw at you in a attempt to make you crumble.
Above it all, there are the pleasant moments like the anticipation of hearing your parents' voice over the phone after a bad day, or the movie screenings now and then in the LT. I've watched 3 shows in 3 weeks, for the record.
We're treated really well in some cases, such as food. I know I've said it before and I just have to bring it up again. They feed you so well and so much it's suspicious.
During night snack the other day, most of us didn't bring us mess mugs. Sergeant made us run back to our bunks to take even though some of us decided not to drink the milo. Sorta like forcing us to take night snack. Eat or die! Muahaha.
And each of us was given 2 mandarin oranges and 2 chocolates in an angbao for CNY. There were CNY goodies after night snack too.
Life in the army is manageable. I just hoped there were faster people who could actually put in effort so they would stop sabo-ing the entire platoon or company. It's irritating like constipation.
Army has changed my perspectives definitely. I never treasured time and family so much. I feel really grateful to be back in main island. :D
the one about total shagness and fuckin nonsense
hello everyone, it's my first weekend book out and I'm shagged.
How shagged?
Very shagged.
I've never pumped so much in one day and I fucking swear my deltoids swelled an inch, especially after some immunisation injections were dumped into my both arms simultaneously.
Throughout this time, I've been called a bloody maggot, a loser and an idiot, though none of them were directed at me personally.
Army has taught me to push my limits, treasure my time and do complicated drills. Though there is a certain suckiness to everything, there is also something remotely sweet about each and every other activity.
Ok scrape that. I'm drained of any inspiration and this fucking post is just another fucking boring post.
I think I better go and start writing the 800 word essay on the 'Pros and Cons of leaving my buddy's stuff behind'. Not just me, the whole damn platoon.
And I'm fucking serious when I say that. Go ask my sergeant.
the one about growing up
I seriously hate growing up. My whole life, I've been sent to prestigious schools, been brought up by responsible parents, and basically, sheltered from the whole working adult world.
Back in the Dunman Days, life was simple. It was school, volleyball, friends, hanging out and doing well. I didn't exactly do WELL, but I'm glad i pulled through. What I'm trying to say is, I remember a certain incident where I was talking to Kitty, my best friend, (who is now MISSING in malaysia I can't contact her!) and we were talking about our crushes and our results.
"I really have the feeling he likes me? Ermm.... 80%??"Kit:
"My results very bad, Chinese-70%(A1), HE and D&T-76%(A1), Art-77%(A1), Math-59%(C5!!), Geog-60.5%(B4).. The rest havent got back lor i scared! My mathes very bad! I dunno how!"Me:
"English-72%(A2), Chinese-65%(B3), Math-66%(B3), Science-58%(C5), Art-79%(A1), HE and D&T-68%(B3), Lit-69%(B3), Geog-62%(B4) and Hist-47%(E8!!!)
....... My results even worse than yours........ -____- " Those were the days. Immature and foolish. And to think we all those getting bad results and crushes not liking us back was like the end of the world. Dunman held my best memories, and I'm glad we all graduated with pretty good results. Now, everyone's drifting and not meeting up.. but there's always this strong bond i share with them that i I believe none of us will ever forget. Basically the only people who really make me miss Dunman are the fellow volleyball girls. (And of course yiqing and etc u know who u are)
Had my fair share of team politics in VJC, I can safely say that my term as captain in the VJ team was the WORST time of my life. Seriously, if I knew life would be THAT miserable, I wouldn't have joined volleyball, no matter how much I loved it. I'd probably be in Chinese dance or something (haha I'm kidding).
My point being, life when you're schooling is really so much easier than when you're working. Believe it when your parents tell you so. I admit I never believed them when my parents told me to treasure the time at school. I was up to my neck in assignments and deadlines I thought to myself,
"Screw it man, I can do without all this crap and go earn some moolah for myself." Boy was a wrong. Now I'd rather go thru all the assignments and shit again. Well maybe not. But its just so much more stressful working.
I've to pay my own bills, my own transport, set aside money for food and additional expenses and save a fixed amount every month for my uni allowance. Every cent I spend now makes a difference to me. And I won't say I've stopped shopping, because I know I still do shop on impulse sometimes. And everytime I walk out of a store with my new puchases, I feel a pinch. That's not what shopping is supposed to do to you. So I'm really trying to control my spending habits and start spending wisely.
I'd give anything to have back the kinda life that was worry-free, in terms of finances and everything. Albeit it was tough, like there was strictly NO shopping for clothes and stuff unless mummy said so. With my own money, I can spend more freely in buying stuff i like, more than i need. But it is really difficult to spend wisely. And more often a time I overspend. YEah those people who REALLY know me would probably be thinking, "what?! the way YOU spend is OVERSPENDING?! hullo ure like the most cheapskate thing ever can." but yah, every family has their different financial problems, and you LIVE with it.
So now, I'm left with a WHOPPING grand total of $24.90 in my posb account. And abt $3.70 in my wallet. Till my next payday, which is Idunnowhen, probably 20+jan.. I have an extra lingering $30 to get back soon but now, staring and my PATHETIC account balance. I feel so bloody insecure. I know i probably won't be spending anymore until I get my pay but can u imagine? the next time I freaking withdraw, (which only lets u take out minimum $20) YIPPEEE, $4.90 left. How pathetic can it get?
I'm so broke. More broke than a broken CHEENAKOK vase. I hate growing up.
the one about how peeps end up here
Go figure:

Pink hair, indian music, my blog = no fucking link
the one about sudden and random ramblings
You probably didn't know army...
There are cut outs of scantily clad babes in bikini placed below the long table in every bunk. My section has Jessica Alba in a Fantastic 4 post card and those pictures from FHM with local girls in it. Too bad they only have a hot bod. Their faces are just...weird. I heard other bunks got Korean chicks. omgwtf.
There is a possibility of showering and getting into your No. 4 smart fore under 5 minutes. It's andrenaline pumping and endorphin spamming. Coupled with the platoon sergeant breathing down your neck, it's better than sex.
It's fucking impossible to sleep on the first night, at least for me. I slept a grand total of about 5 minutes out of the maximum possible 7 hours. Even then, I was half awake. I spent my time stoning in bed and staring at Changi Airport from my window.
They serve up big meals. Today's breakfast was 4 pieces of bread, a hotdog or 2, 1 hard-boiled egg, jam, magarine and tea. Lunch was sphagetti with meat sauce, half a corn, a chicken wing, soup and a choice between an apple or pear. Wash them down with a nice cool mug of punch.And Big Char, I would like to clarify the nose digging part.
Nose digging is a relaxing activity that can be carried out anytime as long you are not using your nose to blow balloons and not using your index or little finger for other activites for eg. scratching your ass.
The pleasure of exploring the deep dungeons of the black and moist and seeking out loose fragments of nose shit is highly satisfying. Rolling the extricated nose shit in between 2 fingers and then flicking them around if fun and exciting and it's good practice for live firing.
What's more, it makes you breathe better. So wtf, go dig your nose pits.
the one about a blog babe
hello everyone! I'm back from Tekong! Today is a holiday and we get to book out! So far no problems, just full of cok talking and ridiculous time limits.
As you can see from the previous post, I have invited one of my bros to help fill the blanks while I'm slogging away at some forsaken island, which is rather close to Malaysia. I think.
I think she's so humble she didn't introduce herself properly, other than the glamourous display pic which you can see on the right. And you don't even know which one is her anyway. Ha1ha3.
She's Charmain, my good friend, my karaoke khaki and a fellow blog babe. :D
She's also one girl I know who is taller than me. 18_? Fill in the blanks yourself, babe. I think if she wears heels or something, every guy along Orchard will start bruising their noses or something because they walked into a walking street lamp.
Ok, that was fucking lame.
Yep. She'll be helping me blog while I'm away. Do give her support ah.
(although i suspect the display pic might be enough to draw lots of readers already. hehehe.)
Anyway, Big Char, just blog what you like to blog about la. You don't have to follow my style of writing..though I seriously doubt the presence of any style. Do whatever you want but keep the links and previous posts intact. :D
Ok bye bye! See you on Jan 21st.
the one about a guest blogger
So, the dude has gone off into the land of Pulau Tekong this morning. Mr Lee has left us for good. He was remembered as a very likeable nose-digger. Okay. That was uncalled for.
Mr Lee has kindly invited me to keep his blog alive by blogging while he's slogging his ass off and being fucked (not literally I hope) by the officers in camp. As I told him yesterday, he has to get used to the language used in camp. In camp, everyone scolds "FUCK" like they're greeting you "Good Morning".
"Recruit Lee! What the FUCK do you think you're FUCKING doing? This is not a FUCKING playground okay! KNN. My FUCKING grandmother can crawl faster than you run! You complain somemore! COMPLAIN ah! Fuckfaces, whole lot KNOCK IT DOWN! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR! CHRISTMAS AH?! GIVE ME 10! 20! 30! DOWN DOWN DOWN!" Ok lol that was abit extreme lah, it probably happens when the encik or officer is going through endopause. But you just have to live with it lah.
And why do I know this despite being a girl? Thanks to my 18 years of army talks from The Father and The Brothers over dinners and lunches. Haha, yah I know all about those M-16s, those standby-bed raids and all the disgusting uncouth language you get in that isolated island. But what to do? You got balls, you gotta do it. C'mon it can't be that bad can it? Mr Lee was super excited to go in! After it all, you come out like a MAN. Complete with nice tan, six pecs and a new thesaurus of vulgarities in every language u can imagine. Not bad.
I cannot help but snigger when I think of all the guys in the army now. Not that I'm mocking, but as I'm sitting in my fully air-conditioned room blogging, the guys are either lights out asleep, or having some water parade or some turn out. NYA-HA-HA.
Okay lah, I'm not that mean, lah. I sincerely hope all the guys go in good and come out even better. It's gonna be a whole new experience which you will never forget, which holds good as well as bad memories, from where you will learn new things, and even enjoy it all. Just that you will never, NEVER want to go through it all over again. To all the buggers who are fortunately still out there, it will be your turn soon to join the botaks and bask in the sweltering sun in ur Long-four uniforms.
Basically, I don't blog like this usually. I dont give a hoot about capital letters, proper punctuations as well as spelling, so long you get what I'm driving at. But since Mr Lee has kept the blog so damned organised and well punctuated with proper English and what not, I just felt obliged to maintain the standard. Trust me, I haven't been giving a *beep* about English after the A level GP paper. (
that #*&$)!*@ paper)This entry took me so long to write because I kept forgetting to add capital letters at the correct places. Who cares.
It has been quite fun blogging here. I'll probably be blogging more in the following weeks. :) Besides, the blog's PINK, dude. I'm starting to like it already. Haha.
PS: Don't mind the picture at the top right hand corner. Mr Lee asked me to change it. I don't love myself THAT much. Haha on the reason why he asked me to change, ask the man himself when he books out 2 weeks from now. :) Toodles.
the one about enlisting (II)
Optimist's Guide To A Happy BMT1) It's only 2 months and a week, that's like 9 weeks..63 days..1512 hours.
2) Hair cuts, though compulsory, cost 2 bucks. That's like way below market price.
3) For once, you get paid without using too much of your brains. (yay!)
4) You get about a day's break every 5 or 6 days or so.
5) No hair, no hassle.
6) No girls, no distraction. That is, if you're not homosexual.
7) They feed you like cows and you hardly pay a single cent.
8) Guys better than girls. We are here cos' girls can't read maps and compasses. :D
9) You get to sleep at like 1030pm.
10) In case terrorists bomb Singapore, they'll probably target main island first.
Bye bye everyone, hope to see everyone soon! Tekong Recreational Chalet here I come!
the one about enlisting
I have a tiny bout of flu. It's not exactly a good time to fall sick since I'm enlisting in like...2 days?
The only motivation I have is the possibility of 6 pacs, well other than that, it's probably that 1 week field camp in the jungle. Field camp is probably going to be fun, provided it doesn't rain.
The prospect of gazing up into the midnight sky and taking in the magnificient and seemingly endless sea of black dotted with thousands of stars few million miles away. Probably the Orion's Belt..
Throw in a tok cok buddy or two and it'll be good. I'll just have to remember to shuff my M-16 in my pants and zip it up for good measure when I go to sleep.
I would love a crew cut too. It's cool. Life is going to be good. If not better.
If I don't blog tomorrow, guess this will be the last post before I enter army. Then I can only blog again on Jan 20th.
Someone help me record American Idol.