the one about upcoming tests
I'm getting quite paranoid over my driving. Haven't driven in over a month after I flunked my first attempt. Starting again next week and the thought of forgetting everything just freaks me out, though I know I only need a few minutes at the wheel to get my skills back to the way they were before. Next test is on 24 Nov and now that I mentioned, it's kinda near.
And I really don't want to fail again. The thought of having to wait a few more months again is killing. And what's with everyone passing on their first attempt. Am taking autocar somemore. I could write 'useless' on my forehead and no one would point it out to me.
ATP is coming up soon. Haven't fired a gun in ages and I hope I pass it on first attempt so I don't have to go for the re-shoot.
On a side note, I want to go NYDC to eat cakes and brownies. The other time I went with my friends but I didn't eat cos' I wasn't really hungry. Here's a picture of the sweet junk they sell there.

Looks the same huh. Both cost about 21 bucks. Very expensive, but everyone still visits. The next time I go there and really eat something, I must find out if it's really the quality of the food or what, cos' the waiters there give off a really snobbish vibe. At least for the suntec outlet.
Ok gotta run. Probably catch a DVD or something. :P
the one about movies i've watched recently (spoilers)
My under-used brain and big heart has been nagging me to do something constructive with all the free time in my hands. So I watched 3 movies in 3 different locations, in about 5 days or so.
Death Note, The Prestige and D.O.A.
Death Note was highly intelligent because 2 clever people were plotting against each other. And of course, it seemed even deeper for someone quite dense. Took me quite some time for me to figure out the plot and how I should probably adopt the 'L' diet. A bag of chips (maybe 20) a day keeps the fat away. WOoo.
The Prestige seemed quite witty too..again it's about 2 dudes going against each other, in the form of magic. I realise the plot is about 2 magicians trying to outdo each other, bordering on the brink of fantasy, and how they always try to sabo one another. I fell asleep for about 5 minutes cos' the show was getting too complex and woke up when they were doing the 'bird' trick. Quite gross.
It's again quite funny how Hollywood tries to use 'Superman' theory in their movies, knowing it's really quite impossible in real life. They need to realise how wearing fake beard doesn't make you look like another person.
I could run down the streets in pink underwear and not be afraid cos' no one would recognise me, not before I remove my glasses and comb my hair backwards. Bugis would never be safe again.
D.O.A was irritatingly corny at times. Corny because the bad guy wears chunky shades and suddenly morphs into 'Bad guy with shades and can fight cos of shades'. Irritating because I have to add 2 full stops in 3 letters as I type D.O.A. Ok 3. The show also expects us to believe that civilisation exists in places above the clouds, where people dress like its summer all year round. And that you have to parachute to get to earth. Dude, I wonder how they got all those shit up there in the first place.
And does Devon Aoki look really strange, or is it just me? Other than that, the actresses still not too bad, other than the acting.
Oh! And 'Click' is out on DVD. I seldom get shows unless I really like it. I know it's got a bad rating somewhere at one point of time but I kinda like it. =)
the one about things that are dear to me

Pictures of the house I love, the good old CCA days I treasure, one of my favourite past times and a scene from one of the movies that I have watched a dozen times and will probably continue doing so.
And I promise more pictures now that my phone has a reasonably good camera.
the one about some army thoughts
Something happened on Friday that changed a great deal of things in camp. For the worse. A thing of surprise, something that undermined trust, integrity and raised all sorts of standards and questions.
Elaboration isn't really necessary here and it just made me question my own integrity and worth.
And yes, I hate speaking to my relatives sometimes. Just today, the first thing they saw me was to ask about my army life. First they ask me what camp I am at, then ask me my rank or why the hell am 'so not-tanned'. Am I a admin clerk, they ask awkwardly.
Then I tell them am not a sergeant or an officer and they give me one face. Then I tell them I'm an mp then they start going on and on about how fucking slack it is. Thank you don't need to remind me your welcome.
Ok. I admit at the point of my BMT, I wasn't up to standard to make it to OCS or SISPEC.
Oh my god, all that honour and prestige I missed out on. The
Ouch! Help! training I could have endured to get a bar printed on my shoulder so I can go around with my remaining year in NS walking around coolly, knowing everyone will look at me and go, "Wow, he's been through 9 months of hell. We will respect him."
Then Mr 2LT will go around with the "I'm the elite, respect me" attitude and that face every father mother son would love to stick his size 10 into. That's right, 1 bar, I have 1 V and a semi-circle and proud of it. I am a corporal and a military police man and I live with it. Loving it.
Yes, a tinge of sour grapeness exists. But I won't regret that I never made it there. And I'm not against OCS or SISPEC or what shit. But I just hate it when people think that getting your ass knocked in out right left center up down for 9 months or so means everything. And the simple assumption most people have that not making it to command school just simply means you can only take orders and you are not elite.
I'll never forget how before, during and after my BMT, people ask me if I'm trying hard to go command school or if I got in. One particular sms I received after I passed out was cute and simple. It stated that 3 letters, OCS, a question mark and a smiley. I sent back.
'No. Military Police. :)'I think it was in the middle of a movie.
Looking back, I can't imagine myself as an officer right now. Because simply, it doesn't seem to be me. It's just strange. You don't understand. I'm not rationalising, but I'm quite comfortable with where I am now.
I pity all those people who think being in command school is everything and it's the measure of how man you are. Cos simply, it's not. At least that's not how I measure myself as a person.
I don't see how black bars on your shoulders will give you more depth than someone who has just seashells on his arms. And I hope people around me realise that too.
Gosh I can't believe I'm actually talking about this even after 10 months in the army.
the one about some resolutions
At least there's something to look forward to every night. I never thought I would be so interested in keeping up with televison dramas. Yeah, I can't take my eyes off One Tree Hill.
One of the best shows I've watched in a while. Gives me a fuzzy feeling every episode. It's so..engaging and sometimes touching and the girls are cute, especially Peyton. Seriously considering to buy the DVD series.
Recently, I've told myself certain things that I would definitely want to accomplish in the future. I think of my future a lot. What I'm going to do, going to be..
For one, I'm definitely going to earn as much money as possible. Some people think it's superficial to say that shit. And they give shit logic claims like money-is-not-really-important-as-long-as-you-are-happy type of hippie explanation. Get real. Whatever they say, cash is what makes the world go round. And really, people around care mostly about how much money you own.
For two, I'm going to keep myself as fit, healthy and well-groomed as possible. I don't want to wake up one morning and the first thing I see is my beer belly peering from under my blanket. Or struggle to pull myself in front of the mirror where I see a pale, chubby face staring back at me, with the double chin pretty obvious. Argh, and that bad hair. And the doc I've to see later regarding my cholesterol level. That isn't going to happen.
For three, I'm going to do my best to create and maintain as happy a family as possible. Money is important yes, but not at the expense of family. How many times have you heard people regretting at their deathbed of how they didn't spend enough time with their loved ones? Nope. Have a happy and bonded family is the basis for everything to build on. I guess it's the most meaningful thing in life but of course people don't realise it. I'm going to make that effort because it's worth it.
Just...spend more time with your loved ones.
the one about ezylink card kena confiscated

Ok, I heard that it's true. For me, I got my ez-link card confiscated once by HOD PE, the irritatingly sharp and loud Y H Tan. He sneaked up from behind during assembly and demanded for my ezy-link card and also asked me to see him later.
Why? Long hair inappropriate for school.
the one about some random thrill
Probably after a vicious lightsaber battle. I always knew I wielded the red double-bladed one like Darth Maul. And who's the Lollypop Kids anyways? Probably some last minute replacements for the guys of High 5 should any of them dance, fall and break their ankle.
That's quite gay.
the one about a very sleepy week
This week has been tiring. More mentally tiring than anything else. I had no duty until Saturday, which meant I had to work office hours from Monday to Friday and then do the Saturday duty that everyone doesn't like to do.
Office hours means I have to get up at 5 something am then take the bus all the way to my camp where I reach at 715am and then cycle in. The morning bus rides are damn irritating. If I catch the earliest 70 bus, I will reach the 103 bus stop at 6.30am, too late for the early 103 bus. And have to wait about 20 + minutes for the next one.
If I hop on the later-by-20 minutes 70 bus, I'll reach the 103 bus stop at near to 7am and it depends much on luck whether I can catch the 650am bus. Otherwise, I'll be reaching camp very on time, with no space in between.
Yep. The waking up part kills. Really. Because you work until about 530pm and then you take the dreaded bus home again, this time sharing bus space with much much more commuters and because it's the peak hour, traffic is heavy.
You get home finally, feeling all tired and frustrated. And you miss half of the 7pm show on Channel 8. Because I reach home that late, I always try to squeeze in as much activites as possible before I sleep. But that extends to a late 1230am or so.
Don't ask me why I don't sleep early like 10pm. It's crazy. I reach home and only have less than 3 hours of free time. I really don't like the idea of having my hours in a day managed by something like NS. And so, I almost always try to do more of the stuff I want to do in that little frame of time.
So the whole week has been rushing here and there, feeling sleepy most of the time and then Friday, I had to go down to HQ to jog 4.5km. Well, could say my stamina has improved quite a bit. think that back in JC, 4.8km seemed a huge distance. Now it seems so short..Yeah, that's a great thing. :D
My sergeant has asked me to participate in some sort of triathlon with him and some of my fellow colleagues (Colleagues reduce the army factor a bit.). I'm still unsure about it because I have never done something like this before. But it's always good to try. Nothing is being confirmed yet though.
Ok..think I've gotta go now. I've been wanting to rant badly about this week since like mid week or so and here's it. I'll probably catch the 3 episodes of Prison Break I've taped and probably Tomb Raider later. Ciao.
the one about smelly people
I hate smelly people.
Smelly people give me the impression of laziness and bad hygiene. I know people who stink everytime I see them. I don't know how, probably they didn't bathe or what. And that's crap. And if it's time to change your clothes because it stinks, you better damn hell go change a new set.
I can still put up with smokers whenever they enter a confined space with aircon. They still stink up the place with tobacco and I feel like kicking them but what to do, I don't want to inflict pain on someone who has already ruined his/her life by smoking.
What I cannot stand is people who smell stale and simply, stinky. The smell of dried sweat - salty and musty. I hate them. What makes things worse is that they smell like that all day. I don't know anyone can ever accomplish that feat. Because no matter how much you stink, you can't stink 24/7...
Or even first thing in the morning, just tells me that you're too lazy to bathe.
I once had to endure my smelly senior in the confines of a already dusty and musty room. I went out the door for a minute and came back to be assaulted by the said smell. And it was so pungent it stinked up the whole damn room. I had to plant my face in front of the fan, hoping the fan would blow the stench away from my nose or something. Didn't help much.
The shirt he changed into probably wasn't washed for days. Fat, lazy, smelly arsehole.
Just today, someone totally smelly just brushed past me on the bus. And I was totally disgusted because he looked quite dirty as well. Gross. I think I have to go disinfect my arm or something before any brocolli starts to grow.
Please, if you want to stand behind/infront/left/right of me or any where within 4 metres of me during row call or something, please please spray some deodorant. Or if you can't be bothered, you could spread some mixture of cat shit and mud all over you and you probably smell better.
You fat and smelly bustard. Gross.
the one about pesky agents
Was about to nap when this AIA person called me on my handphone, wanting to sell some plan. How typical. I remember I was stopped by some AIA person a week ago along Orchard Road.
Apparently, she got my number through one of my army friends who bought some plan from her. Don't know if it's true, but damn, if she was willing to say who, I will personally go and deball him. That's one of the worst things you could do to a friend and possibly the worst shit in the world you could do with your friend's handphone number.
Anyway, I realised people from AIA, well, probably all insurance companies, try to build up some rapport with you before they start promoting their junk. Both I encountered started talking about my NS life. Yeah, bullshit, you don't have to remind me of my lame NS job. And I'm quite sick in explaining that I don't belong to any of the Provost companies. I'm posted out to some shitty, classified place and you don't have to remind me either.
And you called me at a wayyy wrong time. I was really about to doze off and then my handphone rang. And you didn't even ask me if it was a right time to call. I would have told you to shut up and move on.
Waste my phone bill...Spoil my nap...And now I can't sleep so I'm back blogging.
Don't ever let me find out who that stupid guy is.
the one about blogging without thinking first
Hey there. Changed my handphone finally. Got a Motorola V3X. Great phone, lotsa functions, superb colour. And I got it at a bargain.
And I just realised I can surf the internet on my phone. The next time I might just start blogging from there. :D
I'm sleepy right now but there's lots of things I'm dying to blog about but I don't know where to start. I don't think many people read this blog and I sometimes blog like no one else is reading but deep down inside I know sometimes, that what I write does affect the relationships around me.
I still write. Cos' blogging is the most convenient way of jotting down my thoughts and feelings. To put them in a more organised form. An extension of my mind. And almost always, I feel more at ease after I write.
I'm tired. And there's this haze smell around. Just now, I looked up at the city skyline and was quite surprised to see it so grey. The haze seems to be back. And that smell. Makes your nose wrinkle slightly. But I kinda like it.
I think I'll go take a nap or something.